Golden Eagle receives large prizemoney increase in 2022

Golden Eagle 2022
The Golden Eagle will be worth $10 million in 2022.

Racing New South Wales have announced a number of prizemoney boosts, which will see the Golden Eagle run and won for AU$10 million in 2022.

Set to be run on October 29 at Rosehill Gardens, the 1500m event exclusive to four-year-olds is already shaping up to be one of the most anticipated races on the calendar, with the likes of Mazu, Anamoe, Illation, Espiona and Gypsy Goddess among the contingent of horses who could target that race in the spring.

Given the unique conditions of the race, the increase in prizemoney means that $1 million (10%) will go to charity following the running of the 2022 edition.

Having previously been run for $7.5 million, Racing NSW have said that the extra $2.5 million has come from “additional sponsorship”.

The boost to the Golden Eagle’s prizemoney comes on top of announcements made earlier in the year, which will see most races in New South Wales run for more prizemoney from July 1 this year.

The $25 million-worth of prizemoney increases are:

  • Picnic minimum prizemoney will increase to $5,000 per race
  • Country TAB minimum prizemoney will increase to $25,000 per race
  • Provincial minimum prizemoney will increase to $40,000 per race
  • Metropolitan midweek minimum prizemoney will increase to $55,000 per race
  • Metropolitan Saturday minimum prizemoney will increase to $150,000 per race
  • Listed minimum prizemoney will increase to $160,000 per race
  • Group 3 minimum prizemoney will increase to $200,000 per race
  • Group 2 minimum prizemoney will increase to $250,000 per race
  • Group 1 minimum prizemoney will increase to $600,000 per race

It was a busy Monday for state racing bodies, with the Queensland Government announcing a new 5% racing levy, which will see the point-of-consumption tax rise from 15% to 20% from December 1, 2022.


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