Punt Drunk : Anyone Have A Spare Plane For Princess Jenni?

Punt Drunk horse racing news & views

Ah Tuesday you sneaky bastard, you always manage to sneak up on us every week, but this week we aren’t as upset to see you. It’s the time of year where when someone asks you what the day or the date is and you need your phone to actually help with the answer. You’re slowly overcoming the food coma you put yourself in after all that Christmas Ham and potato salad, and you’re primed second up for a crack at New Year’s Eve in a couple of days.

A feel good story to end 2020

Yesterday we saw Kerang in the Northern parts of Victoria host their first televised event, it’s a club run by volunteers and race just twice a year, Easter Saturday and Boxing Day. With Covid-19 ruining their meeting on Easter Saturday, the club could only welcome connections and participants to the meeting yesterday. However, the thousands of fans who usually gather for the meeting were able to catch all the action on Racing.Com for the first time. In a year that has been shit for most of us, how bloody good was it to see the track be televised? Safe to say, the Kerang races are on the Punt Drunk bucket list.

Matt Stewart, meet the sea

Racing journalist Matt Stewart is prone to an outlandish statement from time to time, but his one this week beggars belief. His new theory is that performances that Winx and Black Caviar put together in the past decade were at times “boring”. Now we’re happy for people to have opinions, but this one we needed to double take and actually see if he meant it. Calling wins like Winx’s in the infamous Turnbull Stakes or Black Caviar’s win over at Ascot over the six furlongs as boring is something we can’t agree with. If you tell us that you didn’t have a slight heart attack waiting for Black Caviar’s photo finish in her final ever race, or when Winx snared her fourth Cox Plate for over celebrating, then put a fork in us. Deadset, one of the worst takes in 2020.

Anyone got a plane we can borrow?

Surely that is what David Brideoake must be thinking, because Bendigo Cup winner Princess Jenni has been accepted into the Perth Cup field on Saturday. At the moment the Group 1 winner is booked on a flight to Perth on Wednesday night, but they do not know if there is actually any room on the plane for the mare. Imagine that, having a ticket booked on a flight to Perth, getting to the airport only to be told “piss off, we’re full”. 2020 you just keep on delivering.

Tuesday Horse Racing Tips – December, 29th 2020

PuntDrunkers we know the deal…
There are some cracking races to be run and won today. Which means it’s time to load up the beer fridge and to have a look at what our top bookmakers promotions are for the day. After all Santa did leave you a few sneaky pineapples under the tree for the big Gosford meet being held today.

PuntDrunk’s Bet Of The Day!

Best Bet Of The DayRockhampton -Race 2 – Electrified (#2) $3.00 with Sportsbet

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Welcome to Punt Drunk! Our new daily column covering all the latest horse racing and punting controversies, dramas and headline news. Have a story or gripe or issue that just grinds your gears? Just hit us up in the comments or contact us page and our jaded, punt hardened Punt Drunk staff will give it the Punt Drunk treatment it deserves. Don’t expect pleasantries or typical racing media fanboy gloss from Punt Drunk – we’re on the punt and we don’t have time to bullshit; the next is about to jump…

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