Currie to face another stewards’ inquiry

Queensland Racing Integrity Commission stewards will hold an inquiry into prohibited substances allegedly found in samples taken from three horses trained by Ben Currie.

In a media statement a QRIC spokesperson said the alleged breaches related to Wicked Trilogy on December 2, Shikira on January 28 at Toowoomba and Karaharaga on July 6 at Rockhampton.

The statement did not specify what the type of prohibited substance.


The stewards’ inquiry will commence on Monday, January 14.

Currie is facing another unrelated inquiry into activities at his Toowoomba stables in April.

The inquiry into those charges has been delayed while an application is made to the Supreme Court which is set to be heard in February.

Currie’s lawyer Jim Murdoch QC said he could make no comment until the basis for the inquiry was made clear.

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