Trainer Ben Currie facing more inquiries

ben currie
Racing authorities hope to have remaining charges against banned trainer Ben Currie heard soon.

Stewards hope to have the remaining charges against trainer Ben Currie heard within the next month.

Currie is serving a 7-1/2 year disqualification after a further three years was added to his sentence on Friday.

He has been found guilty of charges including race day treatment, positive swabs and sending a text indicating the use of an electrical device known as a jigger.

Currie’s cumulative sentence is already the longest for a Queensland trainer who has not been warned off for life.

He intends to seek internal reviews or appeals of the convictions.

Currie still has about 20 charges outstanding which have not been heard.

Chief steward Peter Chadwick said he hoped to send some material to Currie’s lawyers this week or early next week.

“It is a lengthy process and we need to work through it,” he said.

Currie’s barrister Jim Murdoch said Currie was keen to have the matters dealt with so he could get on with the appeal process.

“We obviously don’t agree with the results but for everyone’s good this should be resolved as soon as possible,” he said.

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