Tag: 'Mark Chitty'

Early Haunui arrival doing well

Mother Nature works to its own timeframe and Haunui Farm was swiftly in sync to welcome an unexpected arrival this week and lavish the early...

Watershed moment for Auckland Racing

Members of the Auckland Racing Club (ARC) overwhelmingly threw their support behind a merger with the Counties Racing Club at a Special General Meeting at...
Mark Chitty

Auckland super club one step closer

The merger between the Auckland and Counties Racing Clubs is now just one step away. Members of the Counties Racing Club (CRC) voted overwhelmingly in...
Charles Roberts

Vale Charles Roberts

The last surviving founder of the New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association, Charles Roberts, has passed away. In January 1948, Roberts at the time a very...

Xpression justifies studmaster’s faith

HANUNI Farm studmaster Mark Chitty never had any thoughts of selling Showcasing’s daughter Xpression. That determination to keep the filly, which he bred with childhood...