Hopes deny cheating as appeal cobalt bans A judge has reserved his decision in father-and-son training partners Lee and Shannon Hope's appeal over their cobalt disqualifications.
RV says Hopes both knew about cobalt admin A judge is expected to reserve his decision in Victorian training partners Lee and Shannon Hope's appeal against their cobalt disqualifications.
Hopes plead guilty to lesser cobalt charge Lee and Shannon Hope's appeal over their cobalt disqualifications is going ahead despite them pleading guilty to a lesser administration charge.
Vic horse trainers want samples re-tested Racehorse trainers Lee and Shannon Hope want urine samples to be re-examined with a new testing method as they fight bans for giving cobalt to...
Shannon Hope banking on rain arriving for Proud Wolf Co-trainer Shannon Hope would like to see some rain ahead of Proud Wolf' next scheduled race at Sandown.
Lee and Shannon Hope hoping for success before disqualification PUNTERS will get one more chance to back a Lee and Shannon Hope-trained runner after the pair were granted a stay of their disqualifications to...
Father and son trainers guilty of Cobalt use receive big bans DISGRACED trainers Lee and Shannon Hope have been handed down severe penalties for administering the banned substance Cobalt to their horses. The Racing Appeals and...