Stallion Parade cancelled

The Waikato Branch New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders Association stallion parade planned for this weekend (August 22/23) has been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.
After consultation with several stud masters the decision was made not to go ahead with the planned tour. “It’s unfortunate for the Waikato Branch who have put so much effort into this tour, but we cannot risk up to 100 people going around the Waikato from farm to farm under the current COVID-19 restrictions,” NZTBA chief executive Justine Sclater said.
“The breeding season is due to start next week and with the virus so far being contained in Auckland it would be foolhardy to risk jeopardising that by having the public parade. “Under Level Two the breeding season should be able to go ahead normally, and we would encourage people to make private arrangements with the farms to view their stallions, under circumstances where masks are worn, social distancing is maintained and contact tracing in place.”
With the support of and stud masters the NZTBA plans to produce a digital stud tour. Breeders are also encouraged to contact studs directly to organise private stallion viewings.
In addition, the Ebbett VW National Breeding Awards have been postponed with a tentative date for Saturday September 26. There has been a venue change to the Mystery Creek Events Centre, which can provide more capacity to cater and provide for better social distancing requirements.