Queensland race clubs face water shortage

Racing Queensland is closely monitoring water supplies at race clubs as an unseasonal dry spell takes hold in the state’s southeast.

Toowoomba is the first to be impacted with Friday’s meeting transferred to Warwick.

The Toowoomba track had a recent refurbishment and had not been used for more than a month.

RQ’s racing manager Simon Stout said the decision had been taken to rest Toowoomba for another week.

“There has been unseasonal dry weather and parts of the the track needed the extra time to be ready,” he said.

Toowoomba isn’t the only track affected by a lack of rain and high temperatures.


Doomben and Eagle Farm have had only 80mm of rain since the end of October – about one fifth of the usual.

“Most tracks have had to irrigate extensively and it is naturally putting a strain on water resources,” Stout said.

“But we are well aware of the situation and working closely with clubs to keep the situation in hand.”

Several years ago race clubs in the area were forced to buy water.

But Stout said that stage had not been reached and hopefully rain would arrive.

Long-range forecasts are for higher than normal rainfall towards the end of next month.

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