No rule change for gallops

Queensland thoroughbred officials see no reason to join with harness racing and repeal the rule advising of changes to race tactics.

Racing Queensland and the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission have repealed the harness driving tactics rule from this week.

QRIC commissioner Ross Barnett said the change fell into line with other Australian jurisdictions which meant harness racing participants were no longer required to notify a change of driving tactics to stewards before a race.

He said at the same time the requirement to notify stewards of changes of tactics if stables had multiple runners had been strengthened.

William Hill

“Trainers with more than one runner in a race must continue to notify stewards of their intended driving tactics for each runner no later than 60 minutes prior to the advertised starting time,” Barnett said.

“Failing to comply and if drivers adopt tactics detrimental to a horse’s performance it may lead to penalties that include suspensions.”

Barnett said no changes were being considered for a similar rule which covers thoroughbred racing.

“There has been no appetite for a similar change in thoroughbred racing at this stage,” he said.

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