New Qld chief steward ready to start work
Queensland’s new chief thoroughbred steward Peter Chadwick will assume his new role next week.
Chadwick was the long term chief steward in Singapore and has previously been a stipendiary steward in centres such as Perth, Sydney, Tasmania and the ACT.
He worked for 18 years in Singapore with 13 years as chief steward, a position now occupied by former Victorian chief steward Terry Bailey.
Chadwick’s appointment was controversial when it was the catalyst for a spectacular falling out between then chief steward Allan Reardon and Queensland Racing Integrity Commission boss Ross Barnett.

In June, Reardon was irate when it was revealed Chadwick had owned a share in a racehorse being trained in Sydney at the time he was interviewed for the job.
Barnett issued a statement supporting Chadwick who at the time he was interviewed, had a two per cent share in the horse.
Chadwick has divested himself of the share and Barnett said the then Singapore-based steward was able to own it under their rules.
Reardon fired back and said he had an issue with the integrity behind the appointment of Chadwick but Barnett continued to support Chadwick.
A QRIC spokesperson confirmed Chadwick had moved to Brisbane and was set to begin work on Monday.