Mandatory trial talks to continue in Qld

Racing Queensland is still keen to introduce mandatory trials for first starters but not before it can address problems raised by trainers.
Mandatory trials for first starters has been an issue in Queensland for many years and while punters are in favour, problems have been raised by trainers, owners and race clubs..
RQ met with representatives from the Queensland branch of the Australian Trainers Association to discuss the issue last week.
QATA Secretary Cameron Partington said trainers were strongly against the plan at least until the concerns were fixed.
He said for the plan to work, trials needed to be at least every two weeks, even weekly at some venues.

“Clashing of trials should be eliminated even if it means trials are moved away from the traditional Tuesdays to perhaps Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays,” Partington said.
“With the obvious demise of jump-outs which would occur if trials were more frequent, the cost of the trials needs to be reviewed.”
He said trials needed to be often enough to give trainers opportunity to meet the requirement.
RQ’s main problem is many clubs want trials only every three weeks or in some cases every month.
Further talks between all parties are expected to be held in the next month.