Bathurst Race 6 Bathurst – Race 6 Steve Turnbull-Bathurst Trainer Of The Year Pace Status: Final Track Rating: Fast Weather: Overcast AUS 2260m08:35pm – Wed 29th Jan Place Win 1. Windy Hill Whiskey Steve Turnbull ᐅ Best odds atNeds 11 2.9 12 2.9 2. Orange Fever P A Keogh ᐅ Best odds atNeds 11 2.9 23 4.8 3. Rusty Dancer Nathan Turnbull ᐅ Best odds atUniBet 11 2.9 3.5 1.5 4. Get Up Betty J S Turnbull ᐅ Best odds atUniBet 11 2.9 6.5 2.2 5. Tinny Mahoney Steve Turnbull ᐅ Best odds atUniBet 11 2.9 9 2.7 6. Excess Vitality Bernie Hewitt ᐅ Best odds atNeds 11 2.9 12 3.6 7. Xcite Me Nz Nathan Turnbull ᐅ Best odds atUniBet 11 2.9 6 2.25 8. Lucky Punt J S Turnbull ᐅ Best odds atUniBet 11 2.9 6 2.1 9. Mia On W J Turnbull ᐅ Best odds atNeds 11 2.9 15 3.8 10. Mammals Heart Bernie Hewitt ᐅ Best odds atUniBet 11 2.9 10 2.9 Share On Facebook Share On Twitter Comments are closed.