Arrangements for the Happy Valley race meeting on 29 January 2020

The Hong Kong Jockey Club has reviewed the special arrangements of the Chinese New Year Raceday today as well as feedback of various stakeholders to the operations. It has decided that the upcoming night race meeting to be held at the Happy Valley Racecourse on Wednesday, 29 January 2020 will continue to be conducted under similar arrangements.
On that night, apart from essential parties such as horse owners, trainers, jockeys, Club officials and Stewards etc., only those customers who already have a prior reservation at racecourse restaurants will be admitted. Patrons who wish to cancel their bookings will be given a full refund. Other racecourse facilities such as Beer Garden, public stand and betting halls will be closed. All customers will receive temperature screening before entry and will be advised to wear medical masks.
All Off-Course Betting Branches (OCBB) will open for business on 28 January, but will be closed on 29 January to avoid potential crowding. All Interactive, Telebet and 1886 Telebet Automated services will continue to function as normal.