Condition change approved for Inter Dominion

The Inter Dominion Event Committee (IDEC) today approved a submission from Inter
Dominion co-hosts Harness Racing Victoria (HRV), Harness Racing New South Wales (HRNSW) and Harness Racing New Zealand (HRNZ) to delete clause 18(b) from the original conditions of the TAB ID18 series.

The change was ratified with a toughening of clause 16(b), with the “no-race period from December 1 2018” extended to eight weeks for a horse scratching after the second acceptances for an unacceptable reason.

It was also agreed the number of emergencies for the first round of heats would be increased from one to equal the number of heats (i.e. two for trotters and three for pacers).

“Today’s decision further highlights the willingness of our industry’s administrators to listen
to participants in order to achieve industry best outcomes,” HRV Chairman Dale Monteith said.

“We feel these changes will ensure an even playing field for visiting interstate and overseas
horses, while also enabling the strongest field possible for the pinnacle event of the sport.”

IDEC Chairman Ken Spicer said: “The committee hopes these changes will allay the fears of
connections about timing and travel impediments and provide every opportunity for horses
to prepare and compete at their best.”

These clauses will be common in the ID conditions from 2018 to at least 2020.

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