Twitter reacts to Sportsbet’s Hotham announcement

HB Twitter wrap

WHO’S ready for Sportsbet’s newest addition to a stacked spring program, Ballarat Race Club’s Hotham?

That’s right, it’s the battler’s version of The Everest, in what we consider to be Sportbet at its very best.

Targeted at maidens, in a reverse ballot at Ballarat, the response to the initiative was swift and positive with the bookmaker announcing there has been 33 nominations already for the October race. sign up offer

In an industry that takes itself very seriously at times, the cheeky dig at the world’s richest race on turf while giving some underdog runners a shot at a hefty winners cheque and an oversized trophy.

One Twitter user had an interesting marketing tool to directly combat the The Everest’s idea of handing out cookies.

We like it a lot, but surely there’s a Ballarat bakery that could knock up some maiden macaroons or something similar.

Call it genius marketing, a cheap advertising opportunity for Sportsbet or just simply a bit of fun, social media generally embraced the idea of the race.

The fun and games are out of the way, which means we need to look at the field.

No official announcements have been made in regards to which horses will take to the turf, but there were plenty of suggestions flying around.

One Twitter user suggested a 90 race maiden come out of retirement for one last shot at glory.

While others had some less known suggestions for country racing’s race of races.

The praise from the general punters was not as widespread however.

Many cited that there is already a race named after the famous ski-spot in Victoria, that has its own slice of history.

While others just bemoaned what is meant to be a piece of light entertainment.

This just goes to show, there will always be someone who will complain about everything. Rest assured though, the Hotham will be a fun event and we think its an injection of frivolity the industry sorely needs.

So lighten up and enjoy the fun.

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