Return to racing on the Gold Coast Turf Club course proper

Racing Queensland advised on Wednesday afternoon that a return to racing on the course proper at the Gold Coast Turf Club will occur next week.
In conjunction with the GCTC, a provincial meeting has been programmed on Saturday, September 7, marking the first meeting on the course proper since the Queensland Jewel in March.
As part of a staged return, the GCTC’s next meeting on the course proper has been programmed as a metropolitan meeting for the Pink Ribbon Cup on Saturday, September 21.
“A cautious maintenance programme has been undertaken on the Gold Coast,” RQ CEO Jason Scott said.
“With the weather conditions starting to improve, we’re now in a position to resume racing on the course proper, but we don’t want to overwork the track while it is still young.
“As a result, we will ensure that it is getting sufficient breaks between meetings, utilising the Polytrack as needed, whilst providing opportunity for participants in the lead up to the Magic Millions.”
Following successful barrier trials on Wednesday morning, RQ has also programmed two twilight meetings on October 5 and December 7 to utilise the new state-of-the-art broadcast lighting for the final two to three races on each card.
The first official night meeting will be staged on Friday, December 20.
Further programming announcements relating to the Queensland Summer Racing Carnival will be made in the near future.