Queensland Racing Integrity Commission to undergo independent review

The Queensland racing industry is set to undergo an evaluation of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) according to an announcement, by Racing Minister Grace Grace.

Starting in January 2023 an independent review will be conducted to ensure that QRIC is maintaingin integrity standards and prioritises animal welfare.

Minister Grace emphasised the importance of this assessment to gauge the effectiveness of QRIC, which has been operational for seven years.

The review will encompass aspects, including an evaluation of QRICs powers and management functions.

It will explore practices in training, communication and development programs while proposing measures for long term sustainability and improvements in standards.

Additionally recommendations will be provided on enhancing governance models, decision making processes fostering changes within the organisation and bolstering support services.

The Queensland Government remains steadfast in its commitment to maintaining a racing system as advised by the MacSporran Report.

This report shed light on industry self regulation deficiencies and highlighted conflicts between competing interests and animal welfare concerns.

Following recommendations from the MacSporran Report two distinct bodies were established.

One focusing on aspects while another concentrating, on integrity and animal welfare matters.

Minister Grace has expressed the governments unwavering dedication to supporting a racing industry that prioritises animal well being and upholds high integrity standards.

The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) has made achievements in the seven years by implementing important reforms to safeguard animal welfare and maintain strong oversight of racing integrity.

Throughout this period the racing industry, in Queensland has flourished, experiencing increased turnover and prize money as notable advancements in racing infrastructure that prioritise the well being of animals and ensure integrity.

Minister Grace acknowledges the progress made by the industry but emphasises the importance of a review to guarantee that QRIC continues to be a model regulatory body.

Within 24 hours of the announcement of the QRIC inquiry, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk resigned from her role as state Premier.

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