Jamie Kah charged following ‘white powder’ video

Jamie Kah
Jamie Kah is set to be suspended following an investigation by Racing Victoria stewards.(Reg Ryan/Racing Photos)

Racing Victoria (RV) Stewards have issued one charge each against Jamie Kah and Ruby McIntyre following an investigation which commenced following the publication of photographs by a media outlet on Friday, June 23 2023.

Ms Kah and Ms McIntyre were each charged with breaching Australian Rule of Racing AR 228(a) which reads as follows:

A person must not engage in:

(a) conduct prejudicial to the image, interests, integrity, or welfare of racing, whether or not that conduct takes place within a racecourse or elsewhere.

A combined summary of the particulars of their charges is as follows:

  • Ms Kah is, and was at all relevant times, a Jockey licensed by Racing Victoria and a person bound by the Rules of Racing. Ms McIntyre was, at all relevant times, a ‘relevant person’ (as defined by Victorian Local Rule of Racing LR 2) and bound by the Rules of Racing.
  • Between 17 and 18 June 2023, Ms Kah attended a gathering at her residential premises which was also attended by Ms McIntyre and one other person (the Gathering).
  • At the Gathering, Ms McIntyre recorded Ms Kah using an identification card in her hand to arrange a white powder substance into three lines (the Recordings).
  • Ms McIntyre shared the Recordings with a person/s not in attendance at the Gathering.
  • The Recordings have been widely reported both in the media and on social media, with the perception amongst persons commenting on the posts being that those in attendance at the Gathering used an illicit substance.

The Stewards allege that Ms Kah and Ms McIntyre’s conduct, as outlined in the particulars, was prejudicial to the image, interests, integrity and/or welfare of racing.

As a breach of AR 228(a) is defined as a Serious Offence pursuant to LR 7(3) of the Rules of Racing and sections 50C(c) and 50O(1) of the Racing Act 1958, the charges must be heard and determined by the Victorian Racing Tribunal (VRT), as opposed to the Stewards.

The charges will be heard before the Victorian Racing Tribunal on a date to be fixed.

With suspension looming, it is likely the Jamie Kah will miss yet another Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival having been ahead of the 2021 Spring Carnival due to the Mornington AirBnB fiasco.

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