COVID-19 protocols to ease for NSW jockeys

Restrictions on where NSW-based jockeys can ride across the state are soon to be lifted with a further easing of COVID-19 protocols.

Racing NSW announced on Tuesday that effective from July 1 the jockey zones in NSW would be removed, allowing all NSW-based jockeys to ride at any meeting across the state.

In late March, NSW-based jockeys had to choose which of three specified zones – metropolitan, north or south/west – they would ride in as part of the protocols in place for racing in the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Earlier this month some of those restrictions were eased with the removal of the ‘north’ and ‘south/west’ zones, allowing jockeys competing in those two regions to be free to take rides at all NSW meetings except for metropolitan meetings.

At that time the metropolitan group of jockeys were also given permission to ride at provincial meetings, but not country meetings.

From July 1, NSW-based jockeys will be able to ride unrestricted around the state.

The current protocols for interstate jockeys or those who have travelled back from an interstate jurisdiction remain in place.

They require a 14-day quarantine period in NSW before riding.

Riders will still have to adhere to a number of raceday protocols including temperature checks and maintaining social distancing.

Jockeys will also remain segregated on race day from trainers and other racecourse attendees.

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