NZB Airfreight on track to resume flights

Following the temporary suspension of equine exports last week due to a positive case of equine piroplasmosis, NZB Airfreight is confident that travel will resume shortly with increased testing and pre-export protocols.
The single case of the tick-borne protozoal disease was detected by the Ministry of Primary Industries and grounded flights just two weeks following the resumption of exports post COVID-19. NZB Airfreight has since worked closely with MPI, the Department of Agriculture Australia and Asure Quality to ensure minimum delay and impact on future exports.
While new regulations and safety plans are already in place due to COVID-19, flights are set to resume in the next two to three weeks with a slightly longer lead in time due to new requirements of pre-export blood testing specifically for piroplasmosis. NZB Airfreight Manager Greg Northcott is hopeful that New Zealand can regain nationwide freedom from piroplasmosis and return to a simpler exporting process that owners and breeders are accustomed to, once the investigation is completed.
“Thanks to the detail and traceability procedures of Cambridge Stud and the MPI Investigation team, they were able to quickly respond and provide confidence to our trading partners that exporting of horses could resume,” Northcott said. “We are aware of the urgency to get horses across to Australia and further afield for racing and breeding commitments.
“Our clients have been extremely patient given the COVID-19 restrictions and now the piroplasmosis setback that has caused a significant delay in exports, so we appreciate that and the tireless work of many officials to get freighting back up and running as soon as possible.”
New Zealand Bloodstock continue to work closely with all regulatory bodies, airlines and governments around the world to get travel lines open to all major racing and breeding jurisdictions.