NZ racing closed for at least a month

All racing in New Zealand is to be shut down for four weeks

All racing in New Zealand is to be shut down for four weeks as the country moves to level four of the Covid-19 alert system.

New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing, Harness Racing New Zealand, Greyhound Racing New Zealand and the TAB, have met to discuss what steps the industry needs to take to protect the livelihoods of participants..

“While the country will effectively be in lockdown, the welfare of our animals remains as an essential service during this time,” NZ Thoroughbred Racing said.

“Horses and dogs will still need to be fed, exercised and cared for during this time.

“People caring for our animals will need to look at stringent procedures around staffing levels and any contact between staff members.

“We recognise that these are challenging times for everyone within our industry and we will be working closely with those impacted to help them through the coming weeks.”

New Zealand has been on level three alert and will move to level four from Wednesday which means:

  • People instructed to stay at home
  • Educational facilities closed
  • Businesses closed except for essential services (e.g. supermarkets, pharmacies, clinics) and lifeline utilities.
  • Rationing of supplies and requisitioning of facilities
  • Travel severely limited
  • Major reprioritisation of healthcare services.

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