Easter yearling sale to go ahead: Webster

yearling sale
The Australian Easter Yearling sale is scheduled to go ahead with coronavirus restrictions.

The multi-million dollar Australian Easter Yearling Sale is scheduled to go ahead with restrictions on attendance.

The premier sale in Australasia traditionally attracts a large contingent of domestic and international buyers.

Inglis and Son managing director Mark Webster says the company respects the government protocols surrounding coronavirus and mass gatherings and online selling will play a big part.

“We confirm our plan to hold the sale at Riverside Stables as scheduled on April 7 and 8,” Webster said.

“We are extremely respectful of the government protocols and procedures that have already been put in place surrounding gatherings of people in public places, and future ones that will most likely eventuate.

“The safety of our clients and staff is paramount and as such we will strictly abide by all state and federally-enforced guidelines in regards to COVID-19.

“At this stage, based on government guidelines, the Easter Yearling Sale will be restricted to 500 people on site at any one time and will be an invitation only event.

“To remain under 500 persons in attendance each day, restrictions will obviously be required. We will continue to work with government officials, health experts and our clients to determine the most practical way to conduct the sale and achieve optimum results for our vendors and buyers.

“Technology will play a critical role in maintaining our global marketplace for this sale, and will assist international buyers to participate from afar.

“Our online bidding services have now been in use for 10 years and are very robust and easy to use and I have no doubt they will be of great benefit to everyone involved in this sale.”

Inspections are taking place in the Hunter Valley and other farms around Australia and Webster said he hoped prospective buyers would take advantage of the opportunity to see as many yearlings as possible before the sale.

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