HKJC admission arrangements for race meetings

The Hong Kong Jockey Club (the Club) has been closely monitoring the evolving situation of the 2019-nCorV in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong SAR Government has advised that the next two weeks will be critical in terms of containing the disease and preventing a community outbreak, and companies should consider further measures to avoid the congregation of crowds during this critical period.
To contribute to this collective effort and in recognition of the need to strengthen our precautionary measures, the Club has decided to further reduce the attendance of its race meeting in order to enhance the protection of its employees and customers.
Effective from the race meeting on Saturday 8 February, apart from trainers, jockeys, Club officials, as well as Stewards and Voting Members who oversee the governance of the Club and race meetings, only horse owners and their guests will be admitted to the racecourses. It is our estimation that the number of customers will be reduced to around 1200. Customers are required to receive temperature screening before entry. They are also advised to wear medical masks during the race meeting. Subsequently, several venues in the two racecourses will be closed on race days. In the Sha Tin Racecourse, a portion of the Owners Box on 6th floor and the entire Owners Cabin on 5th floor will not be open. In Happy Valley Racecourse, the Owners Box on 7th floor will be closed.
The above arrangements will continue for all subsequent race meetings during the critical next two weeks. The Club will continue to monitor and review the situation for further announcement.
We would like to ask for the understanding of our customers for these additional measures, which are being introduced to protect the health of both customers and employees. We apologize for any inconvenience that may be caused.