Changes to the handicap rating of Northern Hemisphere Bred Griffins

The Hong Kong Jockey Club has released a statement regarding changes to the initial handicap rating of Northern Hemisphere Bred Griffins, and to weight-for-age allowances in handicap races and Griffin races.

With effect from 1 August 2020, the following changes to the initial handicap rating of Griffins and to weight-for-age allowances in handicap races and in Griffin races will be implemented.

The initial handicap rating allocated to unraced Northern Hemisphere bred Privately Purchased Griffins (PPGs) and International Sales Griffins (ISGs) on and after 1 August 2020 will be 52. The handicap rating of all Northern Hemisphere bred PPGs and ISGs, to which an initial handicap rating of 57 had previously been allocated, but which remain unraced at 1 August 2020, will be reduced to 52.

In tandem, with effect from the 2020/21 season, the 5lb weight-for-age allowance which Northern Hemisphere three-year-olds currently receive in handicap races between 1 January and 16 July will be deleted.

The 9lb weight-for-age allowance which Southern Hemisphere bred two-year-olds currently receive in Griffin races will be reduced to 5lb, bringing it in line with the weight-for-age allowance which two-year-olds already receive in handicap races.

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