Gold Coast Selections

AAP, Stephen Rodgers – Selections for Gold Coast Thoroughbreds Saturday

  • Race 1: Honey Baby, Allo Allo, Regal Romance, Galvarino

  • Race 2: La Benca, Game Set Match, Tabard, Elementae

  • Race 3: Liliero, The Good The Bad, Regal Romance, Mosht Up

  • Race 4: Zephyr Cruiser, Zoulou Dancer, Shopping Paradise, Buster Moon

  • Race 5: Instabeats, Dorset Coast, Alloraine, Star Stryker

  • Race 6: Twilighter, Central Witness, Smart As Attack, Spiral

  • Race 7: Seat Of Power, Buffalo Girl, Wind In The Willow, Vibrant Thunder

  • Race 8: Lulu Express, Triple Arrow, Taiko Boom, Auerbach

BEST BET: Seat Of Power (Race 7)

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