RV stewards charge bookmaker Simon Beasley

Bookmaker Simon Beasley has been charged with misconduct in relation to his betting operations during a near five-month period earlier this season.

Racing Victoria stewards charged Beasley on Friday with accepting and recording bets outside of his licence conditions from the start of September last year until January 26 this year.

Stewards allege that during that period Beasley engaged in misconduct when he:

– recorded 88 bets in his ledger with no corresponding phone call on his approved telephone; and/or

– recorded 10 bet quantities in his ledger that did not match the corresponding bet placed on his approved telephone; and/or

– recorded four bets in his ledger on races where the race did not match the corresponding bet placed on his approved telephone; and/or

– impersonated and/or facilitated the impersonation of 24 bets placed on his approved telephone; and/or

– accepted 12 bets on his approved telephone which were not reflected in his ledger.

No date has been set for the hearing into the charge in front of the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board.

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