Chris Caserta in four-week ban for bets

Chris Caserta has copped a four-week riding ban. (Pat Scala/Racing Photos)

Six bets on thoroughbred racing totalling less than $50 has landed apprentice jockey Chris Caserta a four-week riding suspension.

Caserta was charged by Racing Victoria stewards with placing, or having an interest in, six bets on thoroughbred racing between March and December last year, with an outlay of $49.

The apprentice pleaded guilty to the charge at a Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board hearing on Wednesday.


None of the bets were on races Caserta was involved in.

Under the rules, jockeys or apprentice jockeys are not allowed to bet on thoroughbred racing.

His four-week suspension begins from Wednesday.

Caserta is based in South Australia and has ridden 31 winners this season.

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