Pay dispute continues between VJA and RV

The Victorian Jockeys’ Association hopes a timely resolution can be reached with Racing Victoria as they remain locked in a stalemate over an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement.

The VJA had hoped a new EBA would be finalised on Tuesday, the last day of the 2017/18 season, with a new one in place for Wednesday.

After beginning talks in February and after further discussions on Tuesday the two parties could not come to terms resulting in VJA members refusing to talk to the media.

Talks are set to continue on Thursday with VJA chief executive Matt Hyland hopeful the two parties can find common ground.

Hyland said he represented all 170 Victorian jockeys and that the proposal put forward by RV last week was disappointing which left the riding group disgruntled and annoyed.

“It’s a tough situation and we wanted a resolution yesterday and we put all our cards on the table,” Hyland said.

“The membership group is guided by the directors and I’m instructed by the directors.


“The VJA is proven to be a united bunch of people and I wouldn’t say that for a lot of the other stake holder groups.

“Hopefully this can come to a resolution. It’s not healthy for any of us.”

Hyland said he commentary from outside parties was disappointing as they had no knowledge of the figure base of what the VJA proposed.

“The EBA is not an EBA between the Australian Trainers’ Association, the Victorian Jockeys’ Association and Racing Victoria. It’s an EBA negotiation between Racing Victoria and the Victorian Jockeys’ Association,” he said.

In response RV said it was disappointed the jockeys had taken a stand to not conduct any pre or post-race interviews.

“We note that the jockeys have been directed not to conduct any media interviews, which is to the detriment of the industry, in particular punters, owners and racing fans,” an RV spokesperson said.

“Racing Victoria remains committed to reaching a fair and reasonable outcome on the fees paid to jockeys competing in Victoria at the earliest opportunity.”

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